Course Registration is a process of registration for each course of studies, and includes changes to the course of studies in the Sistem Maklumat Pelajar (SMP). A student shall perform course registration, in accordance with the mode prescribed by rule 6 (Academic Matters for Undergraduates 2014), for his programme of studies within the course registration period for the purpose of pursuing his studies in the following semester in the University and for the purpose of maintaining his continuous registration. The period of course registration begins on the first day of the twelfth weeks in a semester and ends on the last day of the fourteenth weeks of the said semester or any period of time prescribed by the University. For courses that have prerequisites, however, it can be registered after receiving the 'grade' the prerequisite courses. (If the prerequisite course is being taken, students can register the said course a day after the Senate meeting on the final results were announced or early next semester (first week of the following semester).

Students who do not perform any early registration (in two periods above) will only be given registration period for one week at the beginning of next semester). A late course registration means a registration of courses which is performed after the prescribed period of course registration (first day of the twelfth weeks in a semester and ends on the last day of the fourteenth weeks of the said semester); a student who does not perform course registration within the period of course registration, may perform late course registration during the beginning of the first two weeks of the new semester. A student who wishes to perform late course registration during the beginning of the first week of the following semester, shall obtain the approval of the Dean of the Faculty of the student before performing the late course registration. A student who wishes to perform late course registration after the end of the first week of the beginning of the following semester, shall apart from obtaining the approval of the Dean of the Faculty of the student, pay a fine of late course registration amounting to RM50.00 for each of course of studies that he intends to register. The provisions in rule 6, 7 and 8 under this Rules shall be applicable mutatis mutandis to students who wish to perform late course registration. Students who do not register in the SMP after the second week of the semester will be dropped from the list of candidacy as a UPM student.

Please be reminded that the Late Course Registration starts on the first day of the new semester to the last day of the second week of the new semester. Changes in course registration can be made within these period subject to students who registered for courses on week 12-14 and after the Senate announced the final results. But students who perform a late course registration in the second week of the new semester without performing any early registration will be fine a RM 50.00 for each course listed is. And dropping course from the third week of the new semester is allowed until the seventh week of the semester and will incur a fine of RM 50.00 each course listed.

The new student is a student who has accepted the offer of the University offer and has registered himself for Programme of Studies and is in the first semester of studies; new students are allowed to perform course registration from the first day of the orientation week until the last day of the second week of the beginning of the semester without payment of fine. Failure to register within the prescribed period shall result the offer to be automatically annulled. New students who received the offer of admission on the third week of the beginning of the semester are exempted from the payment of fine. Failure to register within the prescribed period shall result the offer of admission to be automatically annulled.



Date of Input: 11/05/2017 | Updated: 05/02/2025 | m_bazli


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan